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— We stand against systemic domestic violence.
Do you want to live in a world where all crimes are hushed up, and each of us can be subject to public humiliation?
Every day, millions of people face all kinds of domestic violence. Silence breaks and changes lives, contributes to the development of mental disorders and suppression of personality. Everyone should know that:
By joining our community, you will be able to contribute to the fight against these terrible social phenomena. In addition, we offer psychological help and support.
— Our results in 2019
We are glad that every year the voice of our community sounds louder.
— lives saved
— charity events
— volunteers
— countries
— We can make a difference, let's start right now!
Are you a victim of harassment or violence? Steps must be taken to ensure that it won't happen again!
Our organization is doing everything possible to help people who have become victims of domestic violence, abuse, sexual harassment. Making these issues public can save lives.
Spread of information
We organize protests, distribute information on social networks to not keep silent about the juncture of events.
Support for victims
We offer psychological services and shelter to help victims cope with the consequences of violence.
! Abuse, harassment, violence are not just "family matters".
Cases of domestic violence cannot be hushed up, believing that family members will sort it out themselves. With the support of UNICEF, we offer legal support and shelter for victims of domestic violence.
— Serve your purpose
These People Need Us.
If you want to join us or donate, fill out the form below. We will get in touch soon.
— We are grateful to all people supporting our movement.
People who have been victims of violence need help. We do our best to provide them with maximum support.
Our organization operates on a non-profit basis. We exist solely through donations from other people. Therefore, if you are not ready to participate in our protests and public actions but want to help, you can donate. The collected funds are used to pay for the services of psychologists, psychotherapists, medical assistance to victims, lawyers, etc. In 2019, we raised $3,081,124, of which $2,998,052 was spent on supporting the victims. In 2020, $1,800,012 has already been raised. More than 20,000 people have become our patrons.
— Our upcoming events & marches.
If you want to participate, click on the Take Part button and we will send you details and gathering points.
Without your support and kind words, we would never have achieved success. We are glad that more and more people are realizing how important it is not to be silent.
I was finally able to get out of the toxic relationship.
My boyfriend mocked me, constantly insulted me. With the help of this organization, I realized that it was a typical abuse and could call it quits. Now my lawyers are dealing with my ex.
Linda Mason
May 11,2020
Almost nobody believed us, but now my child is safe.
When I told the Department of Children and Family Services that my wife was beating our child, they didn't believe me. Only Stop the Violence took our case seriously and offered shelter and counseling.
Jason Corx
June 22,2020
I got out of the abusive relationship and found friends.
I have faced cases of violence many times. However, Stop the Silence did give me a decent help. Yesterday I filed a lawsuit against the abuser with the help of an experienced lawyer.
Alison Erdec
August 01,2020